Sunday Letter - The Other Side of Loss

Memorial Day raises the specter of loss and grief. We honor our fallen heroes and mourn them. And, this holiday often takes us beyond those collective and personal losses pertaining to the soldiers of our country to loss in general.
The most important way to find ourselves on the other side of grief and loss is to not resist it. Feel your feelings, allow your tears to flow, light candles, write in your journal, take a remembrance walk, tell your stories or the stories of a loved one who has passed, and find someone to call when needed.
Pay attention to the stages of grief and where you seem to be: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. You can find more detailed information online about these five stages, as well as descriptions of seven stages and more. Sometimes it can be helpful to realize, “Oh this anger I’m spewing all over today is surely a symptom of my grief.” Then, you can take time to walk or run it off, to throw a few pillows around, or simply to calm down and breathe deeply.
The Sunday lesson will include an example of a letter you can write to the subject of your loss when you feel ready to let go more fully. That letter is included below as well. You can write it or record the words aloud if that works better for you. It can be a very powerful process for moving to the other side of loss.
A Memorial Service in Unity is often called a “Celebration of Life.” Though grieving occurs, the focus moves beyond the loss to the honoring of a particular life, and to life in general. It is an affirmation of our faith in life eternal as we bless our loved one onto his/her next experience in living. We can create a “Celebration of Life” for whatever we might be grieving. It can be a simple ritual in which we give thanks and bless whoever or whatever we have lost. Even if you have lost a job or an ability, take time to celebrate the gift that was yours for a time, honor it, bless it, and release it. Then welcome your next adventure in living as well.
Thank you, Loving Spirit, for those men and women who gave their lives for our freedom, and for the power of life that continues on, blessing us all eternally.

Love & peace,
Rev. Kathy