Y.E.S. children participate in a large group service that is patterned after the adult services. Children are then grouped by age and participate in an activity that is designed to further their understanding of the lesson given during the service.
Children's service is led by Kathleen Bailey and begins with a simple welcome from the 4th and 5th graders that says “we are glad you're here.” Children’s service continues with blessing for prayers and a lesson. The lesson is often presented in the form of a story. Our lessons are grounded in Unity principles, and all our activities are created to inspire interest in and a deeper understanding of ourselves and our world. Service concludes with the Unity Prayer For Protection. Following this service, the children participate in an activity that is designed to further the learning and understanding of the lesson. Teachers guide children through conversation and thinking how it presents itself in our lives.
Our year begins each year the Sunday after Labor Day and ends in June with a fun celebration where all of the students and teachers participate. In the summer our children continue to be welcomed to come and have fun with guest participants from our congregation who come and share their favorite activities, movies, and books with our young people.
Our volunteer teachers are led by the Youth and Family Director, Kathleen Bailey. Kathleen has over ten years of experience as a volunteer teacher. Kathleen Bailey is available to discuss the program and the current curriculum with parents before and after the service. She can also be reached by phone at 763-442-1825 or by email at SundaySchool@unitynorthmn.org.