This Sunday, my lesson is called “In the Question,” which refers to me standing amidst your questions. It is in essence, a Q & A Session with me, in which the congregation will write down questions for me anonymously, and then I will answer them. That will comprise my Sunday Talk.
Asking spiritual questions can deepen an individual’s understanding of themselves, others, and the world around them, and find greater connection and meaning in their lives. This is not the same as asking yourself the questions—but the questions I am asked will help me get a pulse on all of you and what some of your thoughts and needs might be. And it will give you an opportunity to see me being more spontaneous, and hopefully able to share some wisdom that may be helpful to you as well. Any answer someone gives us should always be filtered through our own inner guidance.
In my previous churches, I ended up doing this about 3 or 4 times a year, since people grew to really like it. And it is different every time. I had to wait until now at Unity North because of Covid… And then, it took a while after we were in person again to grow our numbers. The congregation had to be large enough so there could be enough questions. So, this is a leap of faith for me that there will be!
If you are just reading this but will not be attending the Service on Sunday, perhaps you might want to consider some questions you can ask yourself: Who/What is God? What is my connection to the Divine? What is the best thing going on in my life right now? What do I lean on when life gets hard? What is one thing I want to be remembered for? How well have I loved? How can I love better/more? Hopefully you will gain some new insights!
Have a wonderful week!
Love & blessings,
Rev. Kathy