The “sacred moment” can be a state of timelessness, a moment of awakening, a pause which feels eternal. It can be a moment when we feel awestruck by the inner and outer beauty of our partner, or when we catch ourselves feeling pure joy while playing with a grandchild. It can be a moment of prayer, a moment of gasping at a sunset, a moment of shared tears or deep happiness.
We have countless moments in a day, but when we suddenly become especially aware of a particular moment, it can become sacred. That is especially true when we have that sense of timelessness, or when we know our oneness, or feel a deep spiritual connection.
We can also consciously strive for more of those moments to occur. One of the easiest ways to experience this is through beauty and wonder. Give thanks for the beauty all around you and then actually take the time to look at it. Notice a tree, a flower, the sky, or a person. See and feel the beauty and know the sacredness of the moment. Or look at something in nature that invokes wonder, such as a magnificent sunset, a rushing river, a glorious mountain, a beautiful animal. Pause, and experience awe and wonder.
Prayer especially can bring us a sense of the Sacred. As we enter the inner place of stillness, we discover timeless moments of peace and serenity. We realize that these are the moments in which we come to know our oneness with Spirit.
Take sacred moments of time to find renewal and restoration.
Love & blessings,
Rev. Kathy