Sunday Service - Beauty as a Value

Trappist Monk Thomas Merton once wrote about beauty, “One of the most important—and most neglected—elements in the beginnings of the interior life is the ability to see the value and the beauty in ordinary things, to come alive to the splendor that is all around us.”

Philosophers have believed that beauty is a value, like Truth or Justice. In Unity, we say, “There is no spot where God is not.” We can also apply that to beauty as well. Beauty can be found everywhere. And for some of us, it is a personal value as well, a core belief guiding our life. For example, you may find that wherever you go you have to beautify your environment, or perhaps you find your greatest inspiration in the beauty of nature.

The artist M.C. Richards wrote, “There are many marvelous stories of Potters in ancient China. In one of them a noble is riding through town and he passes a Potter at work. He admires the pots the man is making; their grace and a kind of rude strength in them. He dismounts from his horse and speaks with the Potter, “How are you able to form these vessels so that they possess such convincing beauty?” “Ohh, answers the Potter, “You are looking at the mere outward shape. What I am forming lies within. I am interested only in what remains after the pot has been broken.”

Beauty is mysterious and goes beyond the outer physical appearance. Though our culture has greatly stressed the latter, it is true that beauty comes from within. Kahlil Gibran said, “Beauty is a light in the heart.”

Just as we teach in Unity to look for the blessings or the good in all things, take it a step further and look for the beauty. If you are having a difficult time personally or because of the collective challenges upon us now, pause, center yourself, and look for the beauty in the moment. It may be physical beauty in your environment, the beauty of an amazing thought, the stillness of your breath, an inner smile, a beautiful memory, or countless other possibilities. Beauty in itself is a blessing.

Have a beauty-filled week.
Rev. Kathy