In just a few days, 2024 draws to a close. It can be a time to release and let go of that which no longer serves us in preparation for a new year—a personal and collective new beginning. Obviously, most of us cannot let go of the past all at once, but we can set the intention to let go and let God.
That is one reason why I love Unity’s “Burning Bowl Ceremony”. It gives us an opportunity to write down that which we would release and then cast it into the flames as a way to symbolically assist our process of letting go.
That is followed by “Letters to God,” in which we write our thanks to God in advance for the fulfillment of our vision for the New Year. The beginning of a New Year seems to connect us with the field of unlimited possibilities. It is a time of hope and vision, a time to release the past and begin anew.
One question we can ask our self is: “What five things do I most look forward to this year?” For me, some are: 1) An even deeper connection with God; 2) A great visit with both sons and their families this year! 3) Amazing growth and financial success for Unity North Spiritual Center; 4) Radiant health and wholeness; and 5) Wonderful surprises in store this year.
I would suggest writing five of your dreams down on paper…and if you feel inclined to write more, go for it! Visioning at the beginning of a year helps us to set intention that activates our dreams. This is very different than New Year’s resolutions, which tend to activate resistance because we feel we “should” complete them. When we do not follow through on resolutions, a cycle of guilt can ensue.
Looking into the future with anticipation, however, creates the positive thoughts and emotions that attract our good. Despite any outer appearances to the contrary, let us each hold bright new visions for 2025 in our personal lives, our spiritual community, our country, and our world. Happy New Year!
Love and blessings,
Rev. Kathy