Sunday Service - Finding God

My lesson title this Sunday is “Finding God.” Some of us settle into the religious beliefs we were taught growing up and find contentment in that. Those more spiritually inclined generally seem to take a journey to discover who or what God is. One may find ideas and definitions that make sense and seem to fit, but still, one may long for a personal experience of God.

In Unity, we teach that God is Omnipotent (All Power), Omniscient (All Knowing), and Omnipresent (Everywhere Present). If God is everywhere present, why is He/She/Spirit so hard to find? If we practice the presence of God, looking for the blessing and the wonder in all things, we find good, and wherever we find good, we find God.

We are also panentheistic in our Unity teachings. That means we are in God and God is in us, like the wave is in the ocean and the ocean is in the wave. One way to experience God in us is to spend some time “seeing with the eyes of God,” imagining that God is looking through your eyes, or hearing with your ears, or speaking words through you. One can have a very mystical experience of the Divine practicing that.

Whenever you see beauty in nature, pause and know that you are in the presence of Spirit. Finding and knowing God often means slowing down and savoring with reverence whatever is before you. Do the same in meditation, “savoring with reverence” that which is within you.

Decide you will spend a whole hour with God, in whatever you are doing. Once you can do that, try for several hours. Try it on a regular basis. Then try a whole day and keep going. Soon you will wonder why people spend so much time trying to find God!

Love and blessings,
Rev. Kathy