Sunday Service - Gratitude & Blessings

Unity teaches that “practicing the presence (of God)” is looking for the blessing, the good, in all things. What a great way to spend one’s life. That means even amidst trials and challenges, we look for the good. Not that the difficulties are good, but that good is to be found somewhere in any situation. We may not see it at first, especially in the midst of sorrow or tragedy, but ultimately, one can find it. And whenever we find good, we find God.

One way to immediately find the blessing is to look around in nature. There is nothing like a beautiful day, a stunning sunrise, a fragrant flower, a majestic tree, a raging river, or any other wonder in nature, to show us a blessing. We know we are blessed when we look into the eyes of a loved one, hear a child’s laughter, listen to someone sing, or join together in prayer.

It is also helpful to write down a short list of what you are grateful for every morning. Adding to it at bedtime is even better, Gratitude is one of the best spiritual practices we can do. It helps us say no to the negative and yes to the positive. It inspires us and fills us with optimism. Take time to practice shifting your thoughts from lack and limitation to abundant blessings. It helps to create an amazing prosperity consciousness.

Gratitude is the best medicine. It heals your mind, your body, and your spirit, and attracts more things to be grateful for!

Love and blessings,
Rev. Kathy