Sunday Service - Groundhog Day

At the time I am writing this, it appears the sun will remain behind clouds in this area just north of Minneapolis on Sunday. Therefore, it is likely our groundhog friend will not see the sun here, so that is generally good news. We may have an early Spring after all! Though in Pennsylvania, they have supposedly kept track of the predictions, and “Groundhog Phil” has only been accurate about 35% of the time!

The lesson title, “Groundhog Day,” refers to what has come to mean something that is repeated over and over again and often is annoying. Like in the movie of the same name where a man gets caught in a loop of living the same day over again repeatedly. He tries all kinds of ways to escape but ultimately has to take his mind off of the problem and surrender and accept the present moment before he can.

That is also true for us when we get caught in a difficult relationship loop or an unhealthy habit. Sometimes, after we try everything, it takes surrender, releasing, letting go, changing our focus, replacing a negative behavior, and/or opening ourselves to grace.

During this period of extra stress in many of our lives, let us strive to treat it as a “challenging” habit and take those actions just named. We can also minimize our stress by becoming mindful of the present moment. We do that by focusing on our body and how it feels. Pay attention to how we are sitting, or standing, or walking. Stop the thoughts and stay centered in the moment. Release fears of the future and notice the beauty all around you.

Happy Groundhog Day!

Love and blessings,
Rev. Kathy