One of the most powerful forms of guidance we can access is the power of dreams. The sacred texts of all the world’s religions proclaim the universal value of dreaming, usually by saying that “God speaks to us in our dreams.”
After Jesus is born, an angel warns Joseph in a dream that Herod’s troops are on the way and tells him to take Mary and the baby Jesus and flee into Egypt. An angel appears to Muhammad in a dream to prepare him for his tour of the heavens. Black Elk sees the divine horses around the Tree of Life in his dream and proclaims a new way to his people. Queen Maya, the mother of the Buddha, sees the White Elephant with Six Tusks in her dream and knows that her child will be an “avatar,” a divine incarnation in human form.
Dreams have certainly been the primary form of guidance in my life. They have led me to most of the churches I have served, and they have helped me traverse the spiritual path for many years.
Exploring and sharing dreams is one of the most powerful ways we can activate our intuition and walk the path of enlightenment. Every night, we contact a deeper, wiser part of our Self, leading us on this path and waking us up to our Soul’s true purpose.
My former dream mentor, Dr. Jeremy Taylor, used to say, “Every dream comes in the interest of our health and wholeness, including nightmares. In fact, recurring dreams and nightmares come to get our attention.
We have to learn how to follow the guidance of our dreams, first, by learning ways to remember them, then ways to interpret them, and finally, ways to act on them. Begin with telling yourself before you fall asleep at night that you will dream, and you will remember the dream.
When you wake up, pause and think of your dream even before you move. If you can catch a word or a phrase, it may bring the whole dream back. If you awaken in the night, try writing down what you can. Flashlights work better than turning on a lamp. Bright light takes you out of the deeper sleep state and your dream quickly flies away.
There are countless books and resources available for the study of dreams. One can literally fall down the “rabbit hole” in that amazing exploration. It is a fascinating study with great rewards,
Keep dreaming, and asking, “What is this dream telling me?” Sooner or later, the answer will come.
Today’s Sunday Lesson is called, “Guided by Dreams.” I hope you join us.
Love & Blessings,
Rev. Kathy