Sunday Service - Occult & Mysticism

When we talk about the Occult & Mystical Law—Occult simply means “secret” or “hidden.” It refers to the mysteries of life. The mystic is one who has burst through the veil of false appearances and knows the secret of the true reality of the Divine through personal experience. He or she has entered the deeper mysteries and has intimate knowledge of the synchronicity of all life and the cooperation of the universe. We could say that the mystic is awestruck by the beauty and the wonder of creation.
We have been studying laws of prosperity, and true prosperity is not just about health and wealth and feeling good and accumulating stuff. It is also about mysticism—a personal direct experience of God. Real abundance is awakening to the incredible gifts and powers that are within us and trusting that God is Our Source. Seek the Kingdom/Queendom of God first, then all these things shall be added to you!

Rhonda Italiano (our Licensed Unity Teacher at Unity North) and I will be doing the Sunday Service together this week with dialogue and stories. We will specifically focus on:  Intuition, Signs and Synchronicity, and Angels. We will join together to teach this coming Wednesday class as well, adding a few other subjects, including Clairvoyance, Psychometry, and a few others, as they relate to Prosperity. Please join us for this intriguing and fun topic!

Love and blessings,
Rev. Kathy