Sunday Service - The Power of Inspiration

We need inspiration at this time in our world. Begin by making a list of the people who inspire you—the ones who you know and are currently in your life. Take time to check in with them, contact them, and let them know how you feel.

Make a list of the people you don’t know who inspire you. Next to their name, note why. In what way can you take that inspiration and use it?

During times of challenge, think of all the music that you love and are inspired by, and listen to some of it each day.

Are there authors who inspire you with their writing? If so, start reading! Also, find an inspirational saying or passage each day and hold it in mind and affirm it.

Spend some time in nature and feel the power of inspiration when you see a sunrise or sunset, the beauty of a tree, a garden, or a lake.

Sit in quiet contemplation and consider what else inspires you. Notice your heart lighten and fill with joy as you focus on that which is inspirational. It can be a remedy for sadness or depression.

When you cannot find inspiration around you, find it within. There is a place deep inside where you can access wonder and mystery and the power of love. Set out to find it and you will be blessed with the discovery.

Even when the outer appearance seems dismal you have a wealth of possibilities for experiencing the power of inspiration. When you do, then, turn around and inspire someone else.

Love and blessings,
Rev. Kathy