Sunday Service - Practice & Perseverance

According to Prosperity Author Chris Gentry, “Experts will tell you that developing perseverance comes down to the simple act of taking action every day toward your goal. The more consistent you are with taking action, the more consistently you will see results.”
Gentry continues, “So here is a tip for you: at least five days a week, take at least one meaningful action toward your goal. Consistent action will create momentum.  And on those days when you feel the most resistance to action, be persistent.”  

That is great advice! I also think it helps to think of the act of persevering and the actions involved as a spiritual practice. When we think of it that way, it becomes even more meaningful and essential to succeed. 

Let us also remember Memorial Day Weekend. When I think of honoring those men and women who have protected our country, especially in times of war, I think of their commitment and their perseverance. They had to overcome weakness and develop strength, physically and mentally, to fulfill their obligations. What a great example of “practice” and perseverance” they are! We can feel inspired and apply that inspiration to succeed in our own intentions and goals. 

Love and blessings,
Rev. Kathy