Sunday Service - Spirit Winks

The lesson this Sunday is about synchronicity as an essential part of our Divine Guidance. The simplest definition of synchronicity is a “meaningful coincidence.” That does not fully explain it though because synchronicity goes beyond a coincidence.

Both have to do with sequences of events that seem to be both accidental and planned. Both are characterized by the seemingly chance emergence of facts that show an uncanny relationship between people, places, things, and ideas that previously seemed unconnected. But synchronicity always involves a crucial time element. Time is its key feature. So, while every synchronicity is a coincidence, not every coincidence is synchronicity.

For example, suppose you learn that a friend of yours is reading the exact same book you are. That is a coincidence. But suppose you found that book in a library and it had your long-lost friend’s phone number in it. You call and it brings a reconnection and a confirmation since you discover she is reading the same book. That is synchronicity. Just reading the same book is only coincidental unless there is some significant meaning involved.

Synchronicity seems to come at times of great change in our lives and can help us step onto a new path.

On a completely different note, this has been a very difficult week for many with the debate crisis and now the Supreme Court’s recent decisions. I am hosting a “Healing Hearts Gathering” on Zoom next Friday, July 12, from 6:30 – 7:30 pm CT. If you need a safe place to process it along with healing prayer, please join us. The Zoom link is

Love and blessings,
Rev. Kathy