Sunday Service - Surrender & Optimism

Week 4 of 'Activate Your Prosperity' series. Surrender and Optimism are the “No” and “Yes” of Prosperity. In a posture of surrender, we say no to fear, lack, control, and ego by practicing non-resistance, release and letting go, and giving it UP to God.

Optimism is saying yes to the positive, to faith, to prosperity, to true power, to success, and to the unlimited possibilities of the Universe. We practice “super-charged” affirmations. In other words, we speak them a lot—for 10 minutes straight, and also at every opportunity—waiting on the phone, while driving, or waiting in line. We write them numerous times. We put them around our house, and when we notice them, we speak them.

Optimism means flooding ourselves with positivity—changing negative thoughts to positive, reading inspirational writings daily, and reaching out to help others. There are countless ways we can “accentuate the positive.”

When we say no to the negative and yes to the positive, we open ourselves to the Divine flow of universal energy, attracting abundance in its many forms. Activate the power of surrender and optimism and experience Spirit at work in wonderful ways!

Love and blessings,
Rev. Kathy