Unity and Creation Spirituality

Creation image

A 4-week Sunday Lesson Series and Classes
with Rev. Kathy McCall

Creation Spirituality, like Unity, is both a spiritual movement and a tradition. It has been voiced most powerfully for this generation by Spiritual Theologian, Matthew Fox. As an activist, priest, and author of 40+ books, Fox has been calling people of spirit and conscience into the Creation Spirituality lineage for over 50 years. His lectures, retreats, and innovative education models have ignited an international movement awakening people to honor and defend the earth and work for justice. 

The ancient tradition of Creation Spirituality is feminist, welcoming of the arts and artists, wisdom-centered, prophetic, and committed to eco, social, and gender justice. 

Both Unity and Creation Spirituality teach that we are born in original blessing, and that each one of us seeks to discover our true Self, the Christ within, which is the cosmic blueprint of wholeness in life, the perfect idea in all of creation. The spiritual journey takes us beyond the “superficial life” into the depths of the Self. 

Creation Spirituality names the journey that marks this self-discovery as a four-fold path:

1) Via Positiva:   "Blessing & Awe"  ~  Oct. 6 
2) Via Negativa: "Mystery & Silence"  ~  Oct. 13
3) Via Creativa:  "Creativity & Birth"  ~  Oct. 20  
4) Via Transformativa: "Transformation & Joy"  ~  Oct. 27       

(Via means life, and each of these paths describes an aspect of the life journey that we take to know our wholeness. You will be given suggested weekly activities to deepen your experience of the paths.) 

Click the button to register, or you may email Brande at Unity@UnityNorthMN.org.

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Unity and Creation Spirituality
with Rev. Kathy McCall

  • Sunday Services at 10:30 AM (CT) ~ October 6-27, 2024
  • Follow-up Classes on Wednesdays at 6:30-8:00 PM (CT) ~ October 9-30 (on Zoom)

Love Offering

Rev. Kathy McCall

Rev. Kathy McCall has been a lifelong spiritual seeker. She has served six different churches as a Unity minister and is currently serving at Unity North Spiritual Center in Coon Rapids, Minnesota. An astrologer, dream worker and storyteller, she has taught and facilitated workshops for over 35 years. She is the author of the book The Unorthodox Life: Walking Your Own Path to the Divine.